Boarders Raise $2,000 for Ronald McDonald House
by Liz Langdon, Head of Boarding
Supporting Ronald McDonald House
Earlier this term the boarding community hosted a special event. Susan Morrow and Gemma from Ronald McDonald House came to a specially themed McDonald’s dinner. We ate dinner in sea of yellow and red, as everyone loves a themed dress-up opportunity. Taylor and the Year 12 boarders did a wonderful job organising the event.
The purpose of the dinner was to present Susan with the $2,000 that had been raised during Penrhos' boarding week. The money was raised through a bake sale and dress-up day. Every year the Year 12 boarders pick an organisation they would like to support. This year has been our most successful fundraising campaign to date.
Our Boarding House Captain, Taylor Ferguson, spoke on behalf of the boarders and expressed how important the work of Ronald McDonald House is to our rural community. Susan spoke to all the boarders and presented them with a pair of special socks. Ashlyn King and Kym Reilly were extra special guests.
As it was McDonald’s themed, everyone enjoyed a dinner of hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fries and an ice-cream bar – which was loved by all. Any night there are fries is a good night in the Boarding House.
Each weekend a variety of activities are organised for the boarders, so they can enjoy some time out and about. Some are just the Penrhos boarders in a year group and others are organised to include all boarding schools in the metro area of a particular year group. The activities range from simple outings like shopping at Karrinyup or a Yo-Chi treat to watching the Dockers/Fever match or go-karting.
Last weekend was all about the movies. On Friday night a large contingent from Years 10 – 12 went and watched It Ends With Us. On Saturday a mixed group went to the newly renovated and revamped Cygnet Theatre in Preston Road to watch Mamma Mia and on Sunday, boarders in Years 7 and 8 went to Inside Out 2. A quiet weekend, well spent at the movies. Bliss! This weekend is the long weekend and we wish everyone a wonderful time at home with their families.